The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

It is nice when someone notices you and recognizes your effort. It feels good when I see fellow bloggers liking my blog or being inspired by my blog. So, thank you Irene from for honoring me with this wonderful award.

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

The rules are:

Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
Answer ten questions.
Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
Include the award logo within your blog post.


Your favorite color …. Silver
Your favorite animal …. Cats, kittens to be more specific
Your favorite non-alcoholic drink …. Herbal teas
Facebook or Twitter …. Facebook
Your favorite pattern ….. Plaids
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Both actually
Your favorite number … 5
Your favorite day of the week … Friday
Your favorite flower …. Tulips
What is your passion? ….. Traveling and Photography

Here are 10 blogs that I like to nominate for this award:

1) Atlas Tracer

2) Swarupa’s World

3) Manon’s Maze

4) Milkshake in Spring

5) Ms Rah Rah’s Blog

6) Chosen Voice

7) 1001 Scribbles

8) Flipthinks

9) Evelina Galli

10) Cyndi Pachino Photography

Congratulations to all of you.

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